Ps. Joseph
24 Jun 2018
The Biblical Teaching Concerning Angels
Hebrews 1:13-14
But to which of the angels has He ever said: "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool"? Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
What is the ministry and function of the angels?
Angels have a primary ministry to God:
1. They were created to bring glory to God
(Col 1:16, Rev 4:6-11. Ps 148:2)
2. They are ministers of worship unto God
(Isa 6:3, Rev 5:8-13)
3. They have a type of priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary (Heb 1:7)
4. They execute the will of God
(Ps 103:20)
- In controlling nature (Rev 7:1)
- In governing nations (Dan 10: 23, 21, Dan 12: 1)
- In executing Gods’ Judgments (Gen 19:1, Ps 78: 43, 49)
Angels have a unique ministry to God's people:
1. They protect people of God. (Ps 35: 4-5, 34: 7, 11 Kings 6: 13-17, Isa 63: 9, Dan 12: 1, Heb 1:14)
2. They guide the believer at times (Acts 8: 26; 10: 3)
3. They minister to the physical needs of God’s people (1 Kings 19:7)
4. They strengthen and encourage the believer. (Matt 4: 11, Luke 22: 43, Acts 15: 19-20, Acts 27: 24)
5. They seem to have a special ministry to children. (Matt 18:10)
6. They serve as agents in the answering of our prayers (Dan 10: 10-12, Acts 12: 1-17)
7. They carry those who die, in the Lord, home. (Luke 16: 22)
8. They will come with Christ for the believers at the second coming. (1 Thess 1: 7-8, Matt 25: 31-32)
Angels do not preach the Gospel. This task has been assigned to man.
(1 Pet 1: 21, Acts 10: 11, 13-14)