1. I have learnt that bitterness generally never hurts the person you are bitter against, even if they are wrong, but it destroys you
2. I have learnt that bitterness poisons your spirit. (Heb 12:15). Bitterness is actually like a cancer. It has roots and spreads through the body. Peter perceived that Simon the sorcerer was in the “gall of bitterness” (Acts 8:23)
3. I have learnt that bitterness of spirit poisons everything you are, everything you say and do. The Psalmist speaks of those who “shoot out their arrows, even bitter words” (Psa 64:3). Words hurt. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Bitter words are like arrows, like knives in one’s heart. Beyond our words, people pick up what is in our spirit. We impart what is in our spirit. Bitterness is the “poison of asps’ under the tongue (Rom 3:14). Bitterness of spirit also physically poisons the body as well as the spirit.
4. Bitterness defiles others. “…lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled…” (Heb 12:15). It is easy to pick up other people’s offences and problems when we do not know all the details. It is easy to take sides and become polarized over people when you do not know both sides, let alone God’s side. Our spirit becomes defiled, it becomes poisoned.
5. Bitterness is a sin and has to be repented of and put away. (Eph 4:31). Bitterness destroys the marriage relationship between a husband and wife (Col 3:19). Paul writes: “husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them…” James also warns against bitterness (James 3:14)
6. We all have Marahs. But God has provided the tree of Calvary to make the bitter waters sweet. When we kneel at the foot of the cross, and consider what Jesus went through and the bitterness of Calvary, God will make the bitter sweet!